RM2PT Tutorial
Import RM2PT project from Git
We provides serval RM2PT projects on Github: https://github.com/RM2PT/CaseStudies, you can import them into local by
Right click Model Explorer
-> Import
Choose Projects from Git
Choose Clone URI
Type Git URL -> Next
Choose Master
Choose the case studies -> Finish
Import from directory or zip file
RM2PT project can also be imported from local directory or zip file
Right click Model Explorer
-> Import
Choose Existing Projects into Workspace
Choose select root directory
or Select archieve file
Requirements Modeling
Open to project net.mydreamy.casestudies.atm.autogui
, Requirement model is under in directory requirementmodel:
is graphic requirements modelatm.remodel
is text requirements model
Double click atm.arid
to open use case diagram by default, other diagram in atm.arid
/ Represteantions per category
/ RequriementModel
Prototype Generation
Right click on cocome.remodel
, use RM2PT
-> Generate Object-oriend Prototype
, the code of prototpye will generated under the folder of src-gen
Requirements Validation
- Run prototype by
src-gen -> gui -> Main.java
, then you can use the generated prototype to validate the requirements (Note thatMain.java
file, it will be automatically generated fromPrototype.fxgraph
- We also prepare JavaFX GUI test script for you demonstrate the validate procedure by running
src/test/java -> gui -> MainTest.java -> integrationTest()
, then watch automated executions on the prototype.
- We also support testing by Maven, right click on
->Maven build...
Please note you need setting RM2PT to control your computer before running the integration testing script. Detail setting