RM2PT Tutorial

Import RM2PT project from Git

We provides serval RM2PT projects on Github: https://github.com/RM2PT/CaseStudies, you can import them into local by

Right click Model Explorer -> Import

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Choose Projects from Git

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Choose Clone URI

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Type Git URL -> Next

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Choose Master

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Choose the case studies -> Finish

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Import from directory or zip file

RM2PT project can also be imported from local directory or zip file

Right click Model Explorer -> Import

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Choose Existing Projects into Workspace

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Choose select root directory or Select archieve file

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Requirements Modeling

Open to project net.mydreamy.casestudies.atm.autogui, Requirement model is under in directory requirementmodel:

Double click atm.arid to open use case diagram by default, other diagram in atm.arid / Represteantions per category / RequriementModel

Prototype Generation

Right click on cocome.remodel, use RM2PT -> Generate Object-oriend Prototype, the code of prototpye will generated under the folder of src-gen.

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Requirements Validation

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Please note you need setting RM2PT to control your computer before running the integration testing script. Detail setting