RM2PT Tutorial
Requirements Modeling in 4 steps
After creating a RM2PT project by following the previous tutorial, we can create a requirements model from scratch.
A requirements model contains a use case model
and a domain model
- Step 1 to 3 focuses on specifying use case model
- Step 4 focuses on domain modeling
Step 1 : Use Case Diagram
By default, the use case diagram of your target system is opened, draw and drog the system boundary as follows:
Use the Pattle
on the right side to create your first Actor Cashier
if you want to make a alisa to this Cashier, enter Alisa name in Label
properties E.g., Senior Cashier
, the actor will show the alias on the use case diagram as follows:
Then, let’s create the first UseCase withdrawCash
and create an Assoication
between Cashier
and withdrawCash
Step 2 : System Sequence Diagram for Use Case
Now, let’s create a system sequence diagram
for the use case withdrawCash
by double clicking the use case icon, the wizard will be opened, then create OK
, then a system sequence diagram withdrawCashSSD
and a service interface withdrawCashService
RM2PT will navigate the system sequence diagram as follows:
Then create a callmessage inputCard
from Cashier
to :WithdrawCashService
by using Pattle CallMessage
Note that
select the option Create a default ReturnMessage
for the CallMessage if the system has a directly return message for this call message, the result is shown as follows:
From the Protperties
pane on the bottom, you can modify the operation name if any, let’s add parameter cardID
for inputCard
We will add the following 4 messages inputPassword(pasword)
, then the system sequence diagram for withdrawCash
will look like:
Step 3: OCL Contract for System Operation
OCL is object constraint language for UML. Now, we can copy and paste the following contracts into atm.remodel
Contract WithdrawCashService::inputCard(cardID :Integer) : Boolean {
/* definition skeleton */
bc:BankCard = BankCard.allInstance()->any(c:BankCard | c.CardID = cardID)
/* precondition: skeleton */
/* postcondition: skeleton */
(bc.oclIsUndefined() = false)
self.CardIDValidated = true and
self.InputCard = bc and
result = true
self.CardIDValidated = false and
result = false
Contract WithdrawCashService::inputPassword(password : Integer) : Boolean {
/* precondition: skeleton */
self.CardIDValidated = true and
self.InputCard.oclIsUndefined() = false
/* postcondition: skeleton */
self.InputCard.Password = password
self.PasswordValidated = true and
return = true
self.PasswordValidated = false and
return = false
Contract WithdrawCashService::printReceipt() : Real {
/* precondition: skeleton */
self.CardIDValidated = true and
self.PasswordValidated = true and
self.InputCard.oclIsUndefined() = false
/* postcondition: skeleton */
self.IsWithdraw = true
result = self.WithdrawedNumber
self.IsDeposit = true
result = self.DepositedNumber
result = 0
Contract WithdrawCashService::ejectCard() : Boolean {
/* precondition: skeleton */
self.PasswordValidated = true and
self.CardIDValidated = true and
self.InputCard.oclIsUndefined() = false
/* postcondition: skeleton */
self.InputCard = null and
self.PasswordValidated = false and
self.CardIDValidated = false and
self.IsWithdraw = false and
self.IsDeposit = false and
self.WithdrawedNumber = 0 and
self.DepositedNumber = 0 and
result = true
Contract WithdrawCashService::withDraw(amount : Integer) : Boolean {
/* precondition: skeleton */
self.PasswordValidated = true and
self.CardIDValidated = true and
self.InputCard.oclIsUndefined() = false and
self.InputCard.Balance >= amount
/* postcondition: skeleton */
self.InputCard.Balance = self.InputCard.Balance@pre - amount and
self.WithdrawedNumber = amount and
self.IsWithdraw = true and
result = true
Note that
the contract can only be placed inside of UseCaseMode
after Service
. Specifying the OCL contract is the most diffcult part of requirements modeling. the tutorial of OCL can be referred here (not ready). While specifying the contract, you will find the concepts
(object/class) and related characteristic
(attribute) on the target domain, then you can model the target domain in the next step.
Step 4: Conceptual Class Diagram for Domain Model
Switch to the ATM Conceputal Class Diagram
Tab to show the empty domain model.
Create the class BandCard
add the attributes CardID
to BankCard
, the type of attribute can be changed through the panel as follows:
Then add the attribute CardStatus
as EnumType
, Note that
Enum Variable Name
Status, Enum Entity Name
, and CardStatus Enum Item
NORMAL/SUSPEND/CANNEL. All EnumItems must be the captial letter.
Then add the attributes such as Balance
and Password
to BankCard
and UserID
, Name
, Address
to the class User
Finally, we add the assocations between the classes of BankCard
and User
Note that
the assocation will merge to one if the classes has bi-directional assocations, you can seperate the bi-directional assocations into two associations by click ‘Seperate the bi-directional assocaition` into associations.
Now the first-round requirements modeling is finished, you can generate the prototype from this model.