About RM2PT


RM2PT was originally developed by A/Prof. Yang when he was pursuing a Ph.D. degree at the University of Macau and UNU-IIST with Prof. Xiaoshan Li and Zhiming Liu. Currently, RM2PT is continuously being developed and maintained by his group in School of Software and Software Engineering Institute at Beihang University (BUAA). RM2PT has being extended from serval directions: Requirements Modeling and Validation, System and Architecture Design, Code Generation, AI-based SE by collaboration with Universities and Company such as GXNU, MPI, NEPU, BJUT, and ECNU.

BUAA Software Group

BUAA group focus on Intelligent Software Engineering based on Model-driven and Data-driven Approach.

Postgraduate Students


NEPU Group

RM2PT is being integrated with AI system and MicroServices Design and Modeling with Prof. Gao’s group in Northeast Petroleum Univeristy.

Postgraduate Students



GUI group focus on Automatic Generation of Software GUI based Deep Learning Methods.

BJUT Group

RM2PT is being integrated with Goal Model for CPS requirements modeling with Prof. Li’s Group in Beijing University Of Technology. BJUT group focuses on model transformation between Goal Model and UML-based Requirements Model.

MPI Group

RM2PT is being integrated with databases and blockchains with Prof. Ke’s group in Macao Polytechnic Institute.

GXNU Group

RM2PT is being integrated with Problem Frames for CPS requirements modeling with Prof. Li’s Group in Guangxi Normal University. GXNU group focuses on model transformation between Problem Frames and UML-based Requirements Model, Enterprise System Generation from requirements model

ECNU Group

RM2PT is being enhanced by Formal Methods with Prof. Li and Zhao’s group at East China Normal University. ECNU groups focus on JML-annotated Prototype Generation and Consistency proof by verifying transformation rules of RM2PT