The example of use which was chosen as the Common Component Modeling Example (CoCoME) and on which the several methods presented in this book should be applied was designed according to the example described by Larman's Book. The description of this example and its use cases in the current chapter shall be considered under the assumption that this information was delivered by a business company as it could be in the reality. Therefore the specified requirements are potentially incomplete or imprecise. The mentioned example describes a Trading System as it can be observed in a supermarket handling sales. This includes the processes at a single Cash Desk like scanning products using a Bar Code Scanner or paying by credit card or cash as well as administrative tasks like ordering of running out products or generating reports.

Use Case Diagram

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System Sequence Diagrams

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Conceptual Class Diagram

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Main Contracts of System Operations

Contract CoCoMEProcessSale::makeNewSale() : Boolean {

	/* preconditions:  none */
		currentCashDesk.oclIsUndefined() = false and
		currentCashDesk.IsOpened = true and
		(currentSale.oclIsUndefined() = true or
			(currentSale.oclIsUndefined() = false and
				currentSale.IsComplete = true

	/* postconditions:
	 * A sale instance s was created (instance creation).
	 * s was associated with the current CashDesk (association formed)
	 * Attribute IsComplete of s was initialized as false. (object initialization)
	 * currentSale became s
		let s:Sale in
		s.oclIsNew() and
		s.BelongedCashDesk = currentCashDesk and
		currentCashDesk.ContainedSales->includes(s) and
		s.IsComplete = false and
		s.IsReadytoPay = false and
		Sale.allInstance()->includes(s) and
		self.currentSale = s and
		result = true

Contract CoCoMEProcessSale::enterItem(barcode : Integer, quantity : Integer) : Boolean {

	/* Definition: find specific Item instance by barcode */
		item:Item = Item.allInstance()->any(i:Item | i.Barcode = barcode)

	/* Precondition: there is a sale underway */
		currentSale.oclIsUndefined() = false and
		currentSale.IsComplete = false and
		item.oclIsUndefined() = false and
		item.StockNumber > 0

	 * A salesLineItem instance sli was created (instance creation).
	 * sli was associated with the current Sale (association formed).
	 * sli.quantity became quantity (attribute modification).
	 * sli was associated with a Item (association formed).
	 * subamount became item.price * quantity
		let sli:SalesLineItem in
		sli.oclIsNew() and
		self.currentSaleLine = sli and
		sli.BelongedSale = currentSale and
		currentSale.ContainedSalesLine->includes(sli) and
		sli.Quantity = quantity and
		sli.BelongedItem = item and
		item.StockNumber = item.StockNumber@pre - quantity and
		sli.Subamount = item.Price * quantity and
		SalesLineItem.allInstance()->includes(sli) and
		result = true


Contract CoCoMEProcessSale::endSale() : Real {


		sls:Set(SalesLineItem) = currentSale.ContainedSalesLine,
		sub:Set(Real) = sls->collect(s:SalesLineItem | s.Subamount)

	/* Precondition: there is a sale underway and no more items. */
		currentSale.oclIsUndefined() = false and
		currentSale.IsComplete = false and
		currentSale.IsReadytoPay = false

	 * Postcondition:
	 * add all sub amount of SalesLineItem up to the Amount of currentSale (compute amount).
	 * currentSale.IsReadytoPay became true
		currentSale.Amount = sub.sum() and
		currentSale.IsReadytoPay = true and
		result = currentSale.Amount

Contract CoCoMEProcessSale::makeCashPayment(amount : Real) : Boolean {

	/* Precondition: There is a sale underway, the sale is ready to pay, and tendered amount is greater than or equal to the amount of current Sale*/
		currentSale.oclIsUndefined() = false and
		currentSale.IsComplete = false and
		currentSale.IsReadytoPay = true and
		amount >= currentSale.Amount

	 * A CashPayment instance cp was created (instance creation).
	 * cp.amountTendered became amount (attribute modification).
	 * cp was associated with the current Sale (association formed).
	 * The current Sale was associated with the Store (association formed).
	 * Sale.isComplete became true (attribute modification).
	 * Sale.time became now  (attribute modification).
	 * cp.Balance became the value of tendered amount minus current Sale amount
		let cp:CashPayment in
		cp.oclIsNew() and
		cp.AmountTendered = amount and
		cp.BelongedSale = currentSale and
		currentSale.AssoicatedPayment = cp and
		currentSale.Belongedstore = currentStore and
		currentStore.Sales->includes(currentSale) and
		currentSale.IsComplete = true and
		currentSale.Time.isEqual(Now) and
		cp.Balance = amount - currentSale.Amount and
		CashPayment.allInstance()->includes(cp) and
		result = true


Contract CoCoMEProcessSale::makeCardPayment(cardAccountNumber : String, expiryDate : Date, fee: Real) : Boolean {

	/* Precondition: An underway sale exists and all items have been entered. */
		currentSale.oclIsUndefined() = false and
		currentSale.IsComplete = false and
		currentSale.IsReadytoPay = true and
		thirdPartyCardPaymentService(cardAccountNumber, expiryDate, fee)

	 * a CardPayment cdp was created
	 * cdp was associated with the current Sale
	 * cdp.CardAccountNumber = cardAccountNumber, cdp.expiryDate = expiryDate
	 * invoke third party card payment service
	 * sale was associated with the Store as a completed sale
	 * The current sale is complete
	 * Sale.time became now
		let cdp:CardPayment in
		cdp.oclIsNew() and
		cdp.AmountTendered = fee and
		cdp.BelongedSale = currentSale and
		currentSale.AssoicatedPayment = cdp and
		cdp.CardAccountNumber = cardAccountNumber and
		cdp.ExpiryDate = expiryDate and
		CardPayment.allInstance()->includes(cdp) and
		currentSale.Belongedstore = currentStore and
		currentStore.Sales->includes(currentSale) and
		currentSale.IsComplete = true and
		currentSale.Time.isEqual(Now) and
		result = true


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