Categories: CaseStudy ,
Contract CoCoMEProcessSale::makeNewSale() : Boolean {
/* preconditions: none */
currentCashDesk.oclIsUndefined() = false and
currentCashDesk.IsOpened = true and
(currentSale.oclIsUndefined() = true or
(currentSale.oclIsUndefined() = false and
currentSale.IsComplete = true
/* postconditions:
* A sale instance s was created (instance creation).
* s was associated with the current CashDesk (association formed)
* Attribute IsComplete of s was initialized as false. (object initialization)
* currentSale became s
let s:Sale in
s.oclIsNew() and
s.BelongedCashDesk = currentCashDesk and
currentCashDesk.ContainedSales->includes(s) and
s.IsComplete = false and
s.IsReadytoPay = false and
Sale.allInstance()->includes(s) and
self.currentSale = s and
result = true
Contract CoCoMEProcessSale::enterItem(barcode : Integer, quantity : Integer) : Boolean {
/* Definition: find specific Item instance by barcode */
item:Item = Item.allInstance()->any(i:Item | i.Barcode = barcode)
/* Precondition: there is a sale underway */
currentSale.oclIsUndefined() = false and
currentSale.IsComplete = false and
item.oclIsUndefined() = false and
item.StockNumber > 0
* A salesLineItem instance sli was created (instance creation).
* sli was associated with the current Sale (association formed).
* sli.quantity became quantity (attribute modification).
* sli was associated with a Item (association formed).
* subamount became item.price * quantity
let sli:SalesLineItem in
sli.oclIsNew() and
self.currentSaleLine = sli and
sli.BelongedSale = currentSale and
currentSale.ContainedSalesLine->includes(sli) and
sli.Quantity = quantity and
sli.BelongedItem = item and
item.StockNumber = item.StockNumber@pre - quantity and
sli.Subamount = item.Price * quantity and
SalesLineItem.allInstance()->includes(sli) and
result = true
Contract CoCoMEProcessSale::endSale() : Real {
sls:Set(SalesLineItem) = currentSale.ContainedSalesLine,
sub:Set(Real) = sls->collect(s:SalesLineItem | s.Subamount)
/* Precondition: there is a sale underway and no more items. */
currentSale.oclIsUndefined() = false and
currentSale.IsComplete = false and
currentSale.IsReadytoPay = false
* Postcondition:
* add all sub amount of SalesLineItem up to the Amount of currentSale (compute amount).
* currentSale.IsReadytoPay became true
currentSale.Amount = sub.sum() and
currentSale.IsReadytoPay = true and
result = currentSale.Amount
Contract CoCoMEProcessSale::makeCashPayment(amount : Real) : Boolean {
/* Precondition: There is a sale underway, the sale is ready to pay, and tendered amount is greater than or equal to the amount of current Sale*/
currentSale.oclIsUndefined() = false and
currentSale.IsComplete = false and
currentSale.IsReadytoPay = true and
amount >= currentSale.Amount
* A CashPayment instance cp was created (instance creation).
* cp.amountTendered became amount (attribute modification).
* cp was associated with the current Sale (association formed).
* The current Sale was associated with the Store (association formed).
* Sale.isComplete became true (attribute modification).
* Sale.time became now (attribute modification).
* cp.Balance became the value of tendered amount minus current Sale amount
let cp:CashPayment in
cp.oclIsNew() and
cp.AmountTendered = amount and
cp.BelongedSale = currentSale and
currentSale.AssoicatedPayment = cp and
currentSale.Belongedstore = currentStore and
currentStore.Sales->includes(currentSale) and
currentSale.IsComplete = true and
currentSale.Time.isEqual(Now) and
cp.Balance = amount - currentSale.Amount and
CashPayment.allInstance()->includes(cp) and
result = true
Contract CoCoMEProcessSale::makeCardPayment(cardAccountNumber : String, expiryDate : Date, fee: Real) : Boolean {
/* Precondition: An underway sale exists and all items have been entered. */
currentSale.oclIsUndefined() = false and
currentSale.IsComplete = false and
currentSale.IsReadytoPay = true and
thirdPartyCardPaymentService(cardAccountNumber, expiryDate, fee)
* a CardPayment cdp was created
* cdp was associated with the current Sale
* cdp.CardAccountNumber = cardAccountNumber, cdp.expiryDate = expiryDate
* invoke third party card payment service
* sale was associated with the Store as a completed sale
* The current sale is complete
* Sale.time became now
let cdp:CardPayment in
cdp.oclIsNew() and
cdp.AmountTendered = fee and
cdp.BelongedSale = currentSale and
currentSale.AssoicatedPayment = cdp and
cdp.CardAccountNumber = cardAccountNumber and
cdp.ExpiryDate = expiryDate and
CardPayment.allInstance()->includes(cdp) and
currentSale.Belongedstore = currentStore and
currentStore.Sales->includes(currentSale) and
currentSale.IsComplete = true and
currentSale.Time.isEqual(Now) and
result = true